We at Centre for Electronics & Computing Research (C.E.C.R) are committed To develop Technology that helps to Protect Mother Earth from all sort of Pollution and Balance The Eco-System.All Humans are the resource to achieve this.      

- C.E.C.R Present &Future Team

C.E.C.R Patrons

Mr Rajeev Kumar
                Country Head

He  holds Professional degree in Computer Science and Industrial Management with Two Decade of  Industrial Experience. He Served as HR Manager  in National and International Pharma and Hotel Industry.  At C.E.C.R he own Medical and Electronic Products Business.


Ms S Kusum

                     COO / Founder

She founded N.E.E.D.S in year 1981 during her  management course . She Posses More than Three decades of Knowledge in Agriculture Management and Animal husbandry. She later founded C.E.C.R in 2000 to combine computer skills to medical.She is our continuous source of Product Ideas generation.

Mr Prashad Jagdish
               CTO / Founder

He holds Professional degree in Electrical Engineering, He Served Indian Telecom Sector since its inception in India , Started his career as a civil Engineer later he witnessed the development of Indian telecom Sector from P.S.T.N Network to the most advanced Optical fiber network. Over his 35 years of work he worked in Infrastructure Development.He is Expert at End to End delivery, Customer Handling and Fund Raising for Projects.

C.E.C.R Governing Council

Mr. Gaurav Sharma

He holds Professional degree in Mechatronics with an experience over a decade in E-Bike and Cycle industry. he too possess experience in 2D-3D Modelling and computer networks.


Mr.Rajesh Dixit

                     BUH-Legal &Finance

He holds degree in Law and Management ,have experience more than two decades in practicing law and financial consulting. He look N.E.E.E.D.S and C.E.C.R Legal and financial matters.

Mr. Dhruv Gaur
          BUH-Production & Marketing

He holds Science degree along with Professional Management degree. He holds Experience in Textile Manufacturing and Automotive Brake Industry. 

Mr. Rajeev Sharma Owns this institution. This institutions do Research and Development in the area of Music Technology and devices. The research includes the study of World Traditional devices, their mathematical modeling and their digitization. In this centre effect of music on health also studied. Once the results are significant , a medical device also made.
This is a common group under Mr. Prasad J and Ms. Kusum, This group closely works with goverment for the solution of Munciple, Industrial and Agriculture waste. This group also works on prevention of soil,water,air,sound pollution with the advanced use of AI enabled IIoT Technologies.
Mr.Rajesh Dixit owns the activities of this group. Being a Law professional he gives inputs for software and devices to be made for the prevention of crime before it happens. He too share the criminal psychology and behaviour patterns , based on that C.E.C.R has made Polygraph machine, which is in use by Investigating agencies.
Mr.Gaurav &Mr. Dhruv jointly owns this group, This group is the C.E.C.R  CSR Intiative , " Advance Engineering for Social Transformation" is the Philosophy behind this group. Its not a free education provider group but Its a timely education Providing group to NEEDY people of all age and gender.
