We are committed to re-engineer and re-design all engineering and medical systems to be sustainable Eco-friendly and Nature safe***  

- N.E.E.D.S, President

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What is the use of Birds: Are they only to Eat by us?

Birds and Insects can fly in air , a human can learn by watching them the aerodynamics , the Bernaulis observation. Chirping of all birds is a tone, which all vocalist try to achieve . Birds have this capability inherently in birds. a group of birds in morning can make your day. Complete music is by birds, birds are also responsible for biological diversity across world. These birds also dance, Peacock is know to all, so you can learn dance from them also. Saraswati sits on a HANS (swan), so to get MUSIC and Dance knowledge you should protect and feed birds like Gautam Buddha done.  

What is the use of Strong animals like Horse,Cow, Camel,Bull,Elephant? They give us flesh only?

These animals are used in transport and agriculture by ancient human. Also these are part of Shiva family. There power can be used in many ways. Also these animals are protector of his owner.

What is the use of Insects?

Insects eat the bacteria and virus , COVID-19 types disease are because extinction of the Insects who eat such virus and bacteria.

Use of Snakes? They are waste?

Snakes gives us a message of mental strength, Snakes are only living beings who don't have any limbs, even ears, they can only listen vibration,that means Infrasonic sound ,Opposite to elephants which hear ultrasonic sound. Its very interesting snakes are so week but Lord Shiv and Lord Vishnu are very closer to Snakes.  

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