As The Top View of Shiv Linga and a Wheel which Represents the Massive form(The axis - No Motion) and The Spokes - when god Moves with High Speed ( Quantum Size).
Shiv Linga belongs to both Quantum and Heavnely Body.
If you See the Eye , The Eye Has two Portion, IRIS and Pupil. AS God is related to Source of Light, So the Sun, But Top View of Shiv Linga is Eye, which radiates light and we see it through Eyes, So Our Eye takes light .
Now Shiv Linga again have two Numbers One ' 1 ' and Zero' 0 '. One is covered by Zero.
One Represents : Straight line which is Light. Electric Field, Produced by Charge Separation.
Zero Represents: Circle which have No Start No End, its a loop, Magnetic field Exhibits this Property. So following the shiv Ling Geometry. Magnetic field and Electric field if alighned together can generate a Energy. which could be a EM wave, Visible or Invisible. Motion can also be obtained. Various Material of shiv Linga can be made.
As Maxwell Generated EM waves and Electric field and Magnetic Field were kept Perpendicular. The concept of DC Permanent magnet Motor can be co-related.
When Light falls in Eye, It causes Photo electric Effect. its the electrons removal.....may be.
So Number Zero....A Circle ... dont have start and end and Hence lord Ganesha made round around shiv-parvati.
Could represent use of Elephant Energy for producing Electricity.
Shiv is related to Electric Field(Proton) , while Parwati is related to Magnetism(Neutron)
Ganesha is related to Motion around Nucleus, hence could be electron. Electricity is due to electrons(Ganesha).
Electrical Energy can be converted to other forms and vice versa So Electical energy and hence the Ganesha is First of all Devtas( ImMortal.) As we know all atoms are imMortals. So all Elements are itself Devtas.
When we say Supreme- A compund which is made up of All atoms is the Supreme.
All atoms are made up of Protons(Hydrogen atom). Hence a Largest body having all protons and that is "UNIVERSE" . Universe is not manifestation of GOD but Universe itself is God of which we are the Part.
Braham is the GOD. Braham talks to us in Silence, Our thinking because of him , our existance because of him. He need not to take birth, He created everything, He Knows everybody.....because he created us...He
Gives his knowledge ........who Sync with him....all scientists and avtaars are not his manifestation but those who synced with him. Ram, Shiv, Vishnu,Ganesha, Krishna are all those Synced with Him. He dont have gender...We are his hand, Eye , Ear,Legs, Hands, We talks to us in silence, He give suggestions, to us, He is Atma in US and He ask to achieve a goal to became a Pure Soul" Param Atma". Krishna is the Last Param Atma. He Understood Sudarsan given by Lord Parshuram, He Blows Shankha. A Message is Use LIght (Sudarshan-Knowledge) and Music(Murali and Sankh). To live and Prosperous Life.
Follow the People , God already created and Solve the World Problems like they solved.