Nuclear Reactor and Water Cycle
Shiv Linga in Hindu Religion is worshiped using water to make the Supreme Head Cold. Also Water Poured on Shiv Linga comes back to Bottom of Linga. So Comparing to Water Cycle, Water from all water bodies is evaporated and then comes back as rain. Shiv lives on Mount -Everest, Ganga comes from Himalya, SO we can simply compare That Shiv need water just for excahnge his Energy with water. Hindus do same thing for two, they Pour water to Shiv Linga and Thjey pour water to SUN.?? Are Both Same, Logicaly yes. But Sun is Source of Light with Nulear Reactions? Can we say, Water is family of shiva? wife or son because normal human share there energy with their family. Ganga or all apsharas worship shiva , made of water. So that Supreme god dont get over heated or unstable. Once shiva was attacked by Kamdeva, because Shiva gone in to deep Meditation. Deep thinking for every body is harmful?Is Kama is solution to come out of deep thinking? Coming to our point Nuclear Reactors or any Devices when Electricity is passed they became HOT. Cooling is required. Also Chemical reactions and Nuclear reactions are different. Chemical reactions cease when there is no Mass but nuclear reactiions continue in a chanin form, All stars are undergoing Fusion? Than who is controlling the rate of reaction? But On earth when we make nuclear reactors we need Lots of water for Colling and Moderate the reaction? Do we know the universe or still we are just making guesses?. Once Brahma( Creater of Universe) and Vishnu(Controller of universe) had competetion , Who is Supreme, a Shiv Linga, If you see from top, Its a Fish (Matashya, Water animal- First Incarnation of GOD )form,  If seen from front its a form of Human with bowing hand, if seen from sides(Left or Right), its like a Burning deepak, Chirag or olden days light source.   Both Brahma and Visnu failed to Know Siva because they were finding self later both saw that GOD takes various forms, Living and Non-Living.  One thing is common thats is Energy  and Matter, Which are the basic building blocks of Universe. Newton Physics: E=1/2 M. V.V Einstein Quantum Physics: E = M.C.C So if we compare when Particles are greater than atomic sizes they can not travel with speeds comparable to speed . Or we can say the 1/2 actualy reducing the utilisation of the Energy content of body which it actualy posses. So bigger is the body slower the speed , Energy utilsation reduces.   Now when Particles sizes are near to atomic Sizes, with small Energy they can move very faster, Controlling them is also difficult, So comaring these two things now: Momentum = M.V , Also confirms that Increase in Mass will reduce the Velocity and Vice- Versa. So If GOD is very Tiny(atomic size) he travels very fast---May be Light itself. Can go in infinite directions. If GOD is Very Big( May Be Bigger than SUN)-------He Can not travel, Fast, So He is static. So He is Axis of wheel.   So The Axis May be defined GOD of Heavy mass , and Spokes as GOD Vibrations with No-Mass. So God can not come to Earth but He is Connected with Earth through his Suk-shm Sareer. Its the earth who creates his son with godly conciousness(Not Godly Powers). Who Understand the Sudharsan Chakra. Which is the Symbol of Lord Shiva. The Third Eye..........of Shiva....As We said  Earlier ,Top View of Shiv Linga Bulging Eyes. Animals Such as Snakes, Lion, Goat, Elephants, Rats.....could be the manifestation of Shiva itself. Who is watching all of US.  

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