Zero Blog: How to read the Blogs
Hello Learner Here is How our all Blogs are organised: we force people to learn from Open Sources but when you acquire knowledge you should donate to Open Source Org .We strongly emphasise on Purchase Hard copy of recommended books. That makes publishers to bring new updates. When ever you develop a think kindly give credits to author and publisher. We here just connecting you to the right people. We are just guides.        
  1. Road Map of Skill Development.
  2.  Subjects related to the particular Road Map.
  3.  Suggested Books with Link.
  4. Software required to acquire skill.( with link)
  5. Hardware required to acquire skill.(with link)
  6. Companies Working in respective area.(Job oportunity)
  7. Direct learning from Hardware and Software companies.
  8. You Tube Resources.
  9. Technology Magazines with link.
  10. Technical Forums(Question and Answers)
  11. Linked In Groups to Join.
  12. Skill set required by Companies.
  13. 101 Question Answers.
  14. Best of Hard work.

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